Provide services that meet customer needs

Happy to Help - shot from our resident Reconnect event in Summer 2022Rising customer expectations, together with the digitalisation of services, means our residents want more choice and opportunity to have their say in the way services are run.

We’re excited with the shift towards digital and will ensure it’s easier for all our residents to contact us and get support. By listening to, and acting on, resident feedback, we can work together to improve services.

With the continued roll out of Universal Credit, we’ll work to find creative solutions to help our residents maximise their income. We’ll make sure that we provide services that reflect our social purpose and our ambition to grow.


We’ll continue to put residents first and will remain focused on their experiences and expectations.”  Heledd Williams, Assistant Director of Housing

By listening to our residents and using the data we hold, we’ll offer services that meet their requirements.”  Faziela Dharsey, Continuous Improvement Manager

Our goals

  • Listen to, involve and empower our residents.

  • Provide high-quality services that meet the needs of our residents.

  • Encourage residents to access services independently.

  • Shape our services according to resident needs.


Measuring success

  • Customer satisfaction.

  • Doing what we say we will.

  • Influential resident involvement.

  • Active resident online accounts.

  • Empowering residents to succeed.

  • Enabling tenancy sustainment.

  • Accessible online services.